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How to Choose Between Blinds and Shades for Your Home
When you’ve decided you want blinds or shades for your Calgary window treatments, it can be hard to choose between the two. Both come in a wide selection and can be customized to fit your window sizes. However, while they can both help with issues such as sun exposure...
Pros and Cons of Solar Shades for Your Home
The solar shades Calgary homeowners install are designed to preserve views while providing exceptional protection from the sun. Their ability to cut glare while also protecting from the damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun, makes them suitable for homes with...
Why Your Home Will Love Horizontal Sheer Shades
Horizontal Sheer Shades combine sheer drapery and blinds allowing you to control what you see and how much light you allow in the room. They also have a compact headrail that doesn’t interfere with their look. Their fabric internal vanes allow you to leave them all...